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About Us


NLDB BioBank in India is an advanced open resource sharing National Liver Disease Biobank for HCV and liver disease research established with the joint efforts of DBT and ILBS, New Delhi, GOI. NLDB has been set up in an institute dedicated to patient care and research in liver diseases. The biobank collects high quality biosamples across the country with clinical data. Biosample resources along with access to the advance analytical research equipments is made available to fulfill all the needs of researchers under one roof. In order to deliver cutting edge services for collaborative liver disease research and academia-industry partnership in India this biobank acquired a non-profitable business and financial model where a nominal charges are in place against the utilization of Biobank services.

NLDB will produce trained human resources which will contribute to the building of national liver research capacity and biobank based research potential in India. NLDB will provide a launch pad for advanced research in the field of HCV related and other liver diseases in India. NLDB has been able to engage trained and highly competent staff with world class storage and advanced analytical infrastructure. This biobank aims to become a nodal centre for providing the clinical and basic researchers to reliably store bio-materials and carry out their research at one platform.

NLDB would inspire research groups to take advantage of unique facilities and undertake collaborative projects and academia-industry partnerships which may offer opportunities to address various complex questions in the area of liver physiology, pathology and unique liver and systemic diseases. Our endeavours also include promoting biobank science in India by offering state-of-the-art educational and training courses. With your active participation and joining hands, NLDB will navigate its course to achieve excellence in biobanking and help realization of its mandate.

Our objective is to undertake biobank based pilot projects and to expand the biobank based need and science in India with a mission to develop an open accessible advanced national liver biobank which could provide proficient biological sample storage and cataloguing for ready reference and retrieval of high-end analytical services through skilled manpower along with human resource training in biobanking.

We invite you to join NLDB not only as an investigator but also as a partner.